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I was talking 'cause and effect'. Framing the issue in terms of 'fault' and 'blame' attributed to one sex or the other is part of the mindset of feminism.

Modern women are very much a product of men's achievements over the last few centuries. Without men's labour, to create modern post industrial society, there could be no such thing as 'the modern woman'.... no such thing as feminism... no such thing as 'patriarchy theory'.

To have modern women complain about 'the male gaze' (or whatever) rather than 'having to survive the winter without starving to death' is one of the finest achievements of men.

The problem faced by modern women is that men have erased women's identity/ value, by inventing a bunch of mod cons that have liberated women from the home. Feminism is mostly a movement complaining about being bored and having no sense of female self worth as a result of being liberated by technology.

Often lottery winners also go off the rails and become miserable after winning the lottery and quitting their day job. Feminist women are experiencing something similar.

The whole thing is far too complex to be about blaming men, or blaming women.

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Not exactly your point, which is a very interesting one, but I have long said ‘Men create Women, and Women create Men’. Men ‘pay’ for beauty, so women who can, beauty themselves, and use it to get what they want. Women ‘pay’ (ie give sex) for power, success, and wealth. So men work their tails off to be successful to sleep with the most beautiful women.

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