I was yapping about the inconsistencies of modern progressive, feminist ideology.... inconsistencies which have been a huge factor in the mental health/ identity/ relationship crisis suffered by western women over the last 50 years.
It is inconsistent because women cannot be disadvantaged by both the presence of men AND the absence of men.
Feminist theory is a tool to extract resources and special treatment from men (he for she). That's why feminism frames every possible scenario a woman finds herself in as a form of oppression and exploitation by men.
Feminism is a multi billion dollar industry and hugely powerful tool of social engineering precisely because men's chivalrous nature makes them easy to manipulate and exploit using this shaming tactic. Men will do pretty much anything to prove they care for women's wellbeing and are not the misogynistic assholes feminism accuses them of being.
But feminism also convinces millions of young and impressionable women that they really are oppressed, that being a woman is shit, that having a woman's body is a curse, and that men really are their enemy instead of their greatest ally.
Many women end up viewing men as their enemy for decades before finally realising feminist ideology was all just standard war propaganda...... by which time it's too late to secure a decent man (all the good men are taken and you've already hit the wall and decent men run a mile from feminist women anyway).
And of course by viewing men as the enemy and masculinity as toxic, you cannot help but view yourself as the enemy and your femininity as toxic too... because masculinity and femininity are two aspects of the same whole.
Feminism's false narrative is such a lie and such a betrayal in this respect that it constitutes a crime against humanity.
An excellent analysis of the evils of feminism. It has had a pernicious effect on western society and is now eating away at eastern cultures too. Sadly, we in the west have gone beyond the point of no return.
I'm in my fifties now; as a young man I railed against the feminist attacks whilst most of my male contemporaries seemed oblivious to what was happening. Most were happy to virtue signal their agreement with the feminist viewpoints.
If western men had stood their ground instead of aiding and abetting the zealots, we might have had a better outcome.
As a father of two adult sons and a daughter, I can see it from both sides of the fence. It's a jungle out there!
Powerful words. God created man & woman purposely with different traits. Modern culture has strived to erase that fact lying to youth that gender/sex/roles are all interchangeable. Social constructs. Marriage isnтАЩt mandatory to be happy, successful, fulfilled but deep down, we all know God created us not to be alone but for companionship. He created man as a companion and then realized man needed a helpmate, an equal(spiritually), a partner. So much damage to marriage, family, order has been inflicted by culture. People that have been hurt IтАЩd wager in relationships have turned that pain on the institution of relationships, marriage, etc. Tear it down and replace it with what?
And that's a postmodern, Neoliberal Death Cult lie (one of many these days) that has created multiple social, economic and political disasters. As the resources that supported that lie tap out, and the unintended consequences peak, recognition of human interdependence will make a comeback. Hopefully, for the species' sake. But until then, enjoy your Daily Dystopia.
Your dystopia is my utopia. Hopefully soon we will transcend the homo sapiens and become transhuman and engineer new resources as we move towards infinite progress and space colonization.
Very few of either can survive well without the other. I think you should expound on your statement so those reading it can better understand your meaning.
The Western world has rising rates of anxiety and depression never seen before in human history, or in other societies. We also have declining rates of marriage and childbirth, and formation of relationships and socialising generally.
It's possible these two things are unrelated, but it's also possible that one is causing the other, or that they both have the same root cause.
What characterises humans as distinct from other species is a lengthy infancy. Thus, over thousands of generations we have selected for traits where people tend to form families and tribes - if we didn't, those infants wouldn't have survived. Those traits include things like romantic love, fidelity, loyalty and so on.
This may be a contributor. However, as Erik Hoel notes, rates of adolesccent anxiety and depression increased at the time of introduction of smartphones.
We can see too that the most materially prosperous countries in the world quite often report the worst mentall wellbeing. One of the correlates was age of first smartphone use.
No doubt there are many contributors. There's a human tendency to try to reduce everything to just one problem, since if that were correct, all we'd have to do is sort that thing out and we'd be good. This is why people concerned about climate change tend to deny that fossil fuels are finite, and peak oilers are usually climate change denialists, and radical feminists think it's all about patriarchy, and critical race theorists think it's all about white supremacy - and you think it's all Big Pharma.
Unfortunately, our world has a multitude of problems. Prudently we should focus on measures which contribute to solving two or more problems at once.
"at the end of the day, men and women need each other"
They do not. I guess you will maybe find this out in a hard way.
THIS: Men are a burden on women, which is why women are better off without men.
BUT ALSO THIS: Men who abandon their wives are bastards.
THIS: Marriage is the enslavement of women by men.
BUT ALSO THIS: Single mothers are at a disadvantage and deserve our pity and help because they lack the support and resources of a husband.
All of the above statements come from modern, progressive, feminist ideology.... and they can't all be true simultaneously.
tf are you yapping about
I was yapping about the inconsistencies of modern progressive, feminist ideology.... inconsistencies which have been a huge factor in the mental health/ identity/ relationship crisis suffered by western women over the last 50 years.
Spoken like someone who hasnтАЩt met or spent time with many unmarried middle aged men. They donтАЩt do well alone, IтАЩm afraid.
The whole тАЬ married men tend to live longer on avg.тАЭ is funny and true.
Feminism is nonsense imo, but nothing you stated is actually inconsistent (even though its foolish).
It is inconsistent because women cannot be disadvantaged by both the presence of men AND the absence of men.
Feminist theory is a tool to extract resources and special treatment from men (he for she). That's why feminism frames every possible scenario a woman finds herself in as a form of oppression and exploitation by men.
Feminism is a multi billion dollar industry and hugely powerful tool of social engineering precisely because men's chivalrous nature makes them easy to manipulate and exploit using this shaming tactic. Men will do pretty much anything to prove they care for women's wellbeing and are not the misogynistic assholes feminism accuses them of being.
But feminism also convinces millions of young and impressionable women that they really are oppressed, that being a woman is shit, that having a woman's body is a curse, and that men really are their enemy instead of their greatest ally.
Many women end up viewing men as their enemy for decades before finally realising feminist ideology was all just standard war propaganda...... by which time it's too late to secure a decent man (all the good men are taken and you've already hit the wall and decent men run a mile from feminist women anyway).
And of course by viewing men as the enemy and masculinity as toxic, you cannot help but view yourself as the enemy and your femininity as toxic too... because masculinity and femininity are two aspects of the same whole.
Feminism's false narrative is such a lie and such a betrayal in this respect that it constitutes a crime against humanity.
An excellent analysis of the evils of feminism. It has had a pernicious effect on western society and is now eating away at eastern cultures too. Sadly, we in the west have gone beyond the point of no return.
I'm in my fifties now; as a young man I railed against the feminist attacks whilst most of my male contemporaries seemed oblivious to what was happening. Most were happy to virtue signal their agreement with the feminist viewpoints.
If western men had stood their ground instead of aiding and abetting the zealots, we might have had a better outcome.
As a father of two adult sons and a daughter, I can see it from both sides of the fence. It's a jungle out there!
Notice how Z disengaged. Typical.
Powerful words. God created man & woman purposely with different traits. Modern culture has strived to erase that fact lying to youth that gender/sex/roles are all interchangeable. Social constructs. Marriage isnтАЩt mandatory to be happy, successful, fulfilled but deep down, we all know God created us not to be alone but for companionship. He created man as a companion and then realized man needed a helpmate, an equal(spiritually), a partner. So much damage to marriage, family, order has been inflicted by culture. People that have been hurt IтАЩd wager in relationships have turned that pain on the institution of relationships, marriage, etc. Tear it down and replace it with what?
Oh man, does this hit hard.
And that's a postmodern, Neoliberal Death Cult lie (one of many these days) that has created multiple social, economic and political disasters. As the resources that supported that lie tap out, and the unintended consequences peak, recognition of human interdependence will make a comeback. Hopefully, for the species' sake. But until then, enjoy your Daily Dystopia.
Your dystopia is my utopia. Hopefully soon we will transcend the homo sapiens and become transhuman and engineer new resources as we move towards infinite progress and space colonization.
Good luck wid dat.
For your stupidity, we will punish you by sending you to a prison labor camp on Mars. Enjoy the desert, you transhuman peasant
Yep, you are a regressive, confirmed.
These days, 'regressive' is a compliment.
Says the cartoon
Man...talk about yappin. Nitwits abound, I suppose.
Very few of either can survive well without the other. I think you should expound on your statement so those reading it can better understand your meaning.
They doтАжin general. Although any one individual can opt out if they so choose.
The Western world has rising rates of anxiety and depression never seen before in human history, or in other societies. We also have declining rates of marriage and childbirth, and formation of relationships and socialising generally.
It's possible these two things are unrelated, but it's also possible that one is causing the other, or that they both have the same root cause.
What characterises humans as distinct from other species is a lengthy infancy. Thus, over thousands of generations we have selected for traits where people tend to form families and tribes - if we didn't, those infants wouldn't have survived. Those traits include things like romantic love, fidelity, loyalty and so on.
The rising rates of anxiety and depression are CAUSED by pharma. Massive drugging if children going on.
This may be a contributor. However, as Erik Hoel notes, rates of adolesccent anxiety and depression increased at the time of introduction of smartphones.
We can see too that the most materially prosperous countries in the world quite often report the worst mentall wellbeing. One of the correlates was age of first smartphone use.
No doubt there are many contributors. There's a human tendency to try to reduce everything to just one problem, since if that were correct, all we'd have to do is sort that thing out and we'd be good. This is why people concerned about climate change tend to deny that fossil fuels are finite, and peak oilers are usually climate change denialists, and radical feminists think it's all about patriarchy, and critical race theorists think it's all about white supremacy - and you think it's all Big Pharma.
Unfortunately, our world has a multitude of problems. Prudently we should focus on measures which contribute to solving two or more problems at once.
You are hilariously wrong.